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Gut focused behavioural treatment (biofeedback) for constipation and faecal incontinence in multiple sclerosis

机译:肠道针对便秘的行为治疗(生物反馈) 多发性硬化症中的大便失禁



OBJECTIVES—Todetermine whether gut focused behavioural treatment (biofeedback) is auseful therapy in multiple sclerosis patients referred forconstipation, incontinence, or a combination of these symptoms. Mostpatients with multiple sclerosis complain of constipation, faecalincontinence, or a combination of the two. Patients rate these bowelsymptoms as having a major impact on their life. Until now themanagement of these problems has been empirical, with a lack ofevaluated therapeutic regimes.
METHODS—Thirteenpatients (eight women, median age 38 years, median duration of multiplesclerosis 10 years) complaining of constipation, with or without faecalincontinence underwent a median of four sessions of behaviouraltreatment. Anorectal physiological tests were performed before therapy.Impairment and disability were rated with the Kurtzke score and theCambridge multiple sclerosis basic score (CAMBS). Patients werecontacted a median of 14 months after completion of treatment.
RESULTS—A beneficialeffect was attributed to biofeedback in five patients. Mild to moderatedisability, quiescent and non-relapsing disease, and absence ofprogression of multiple sclerosis over the year before biofeedback werepredictive of symptom improvement. No physiological test predicted theresponse to therapy.
CONCLUSION—Biofeedbackretraining is an effective treatment in some patients with multiplesclerosis complaining of constipation or faecal incontinence. Aresponse is more likely in patients with limited disability and anon-progressive disease course.

机译:目的-确定在针对便秘,失禁或这些症状的合并症的多发性硬化症患者中,以肠道为重点的行为治疗(生物反馈)是否有用。大多数多发性硬化症患者抱怨便秘,粪便失禁或两者兼而有之。患者认为这些肠症状对他们的生活有重大影响。到目前为止,这些问题的管理一直是凭经验进行的,缺乏对治疗方案的评估。方法— 13名抱怨便秘的患者(8名妇女,中位年龄38岁,中位多发性硬化症持续时间10年)接受或不接受粪便尿失禁进行了四次行为治疗。治疗前进行肛门直肠生理学检查,并用Kurtzke评分和剑桥多发性硬化症基本评分(CAMBS)对损伤和残疾进行评估。在完成治疗后中位联系患者14个月。结果:五例患者的生物反馈有益。在生物反馈之前的一年中,轻度至中度的残疾,静态和非复发性疾病以及多发性硬化症的进展都没有,可以预测症状的改善。没有生理学测试预测对治疗有反应。结论:对于一些多发性便秘或大便失禁的多发性硬化症患者,生物反馈再训练是一种有效的治疗方法。残障和非进行性疾病病程的患者更有可能产生过敏反应。



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